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Leadership & Governance


Meet our Senior Leadership Team

Ross Silcock

Interim Executive Headteacher

Yasmin Melehi

Head of School

Samantha Edgar

Interim Deputy Headteacher

Inclusion Lead

Holly Ingram

Assistant Headteacher


Dennis Mitakos

Assistant Headteacher

Jessica Travers

Assistant Headteacher


Each Compass school has a local school committee composed of a group of volunteers drawn from the community, each bringing a range of skills, expertise and professional experience. 

Our Governors provide essential links between the school, parents/carers and the local community. Governors work with staff and parents in an atmosphere of co-operation to provide the best possible framework for educating our children. They are involved in all aspects of school life and meet regularly with leadership teams.

Governors fulfil their responsibilities by:

  • Supporting the school and its ambition by working strategically to develop and implement vision and ethos;
  • Ensuring that the children are receiving the best education and achieve the best outcomes by monitoring the quality of teaching and standards across the school;
  • Making sure the school uses its financial resources effectively and in line with the budget plan;
  • Accounting to all stakeholders for the school’s performance and for the decisions they make.

If you are interested in becoming a Governor at our school or would like to hear more about what the role involves, please email

Chair of Governors: Our Chair of Governors is Rosemary Medhurst.

They can be contacted via our School Office

Governance Structure

Rosemary Medhurst

Chair of Governors

Yasmin Melehi

Head of School

Lucy Lock

Parent Governor

Samantha Edgar

Parent Governor

Tim Arding

Co-opted Governor

Bradley Marshall

Co-opted Governor

Joe Leslie

Co-opted Governor

Jack Delaney

Staff Governor

Leaver during the last 12 months: Mike Bright, Sian Healey.

Please see attachment below for Local School Committee attendance and pecuniary interests.

Please click here to access Trust-wide governance information

Data Protection

The Compass Partnership of Schools' Data Protection Officer is the DPO Centre.
If you have a data protection query, please click here for contact information.