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Remote Learning

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic there is a continued risk that confirmed cases of coronavirus will result in the closure of a school ‘bubble’ or that families may have to self-isolate at any point. Wingfield Primary School is dedicated to ensure that we provide access to meaningful learning for all our children whilst they are engaged in remote learning.


Children will continue to have access to a planned and well-sequenced curriculum that ensures that knowledge and skills will be built incrementally during the remote learning period.  Teachers will ensure that all pupils have a clear understanding of the knowledge and skills that are being taught and what the expected outcomes for each session are.

Our remote learning offer will be facilitated through the online platforms ‘Showbie’ (Years 1 – 6) and ‘Tapestry’ (Nursery and Reception).  All children will have accounts created for these platforms at the start of their school career and the embedded use of these platforms in school ensures there is a continuity of provision.

Our offer:

  • Teachers will upload four lessons daily:
    • maths
    • reading (Years 2 – 6) / Phonics (Nursery, Reception and Year 1)
    • writing
    • a foundation subject (including science)
  • It is expected that these lessons should take children a minimum of three hours to complete in KS1 and four hours in KS2.
  • Practice of key fluency skills on a daily basis such as: spellings (high frequency words), reading, times-tables and phonics for younger children. Additional activities in subjects such as P.E. will be uploaded to ensure a continuity of curriculum.
  • The school will begin to provide a blended approach to remote learning that includes both live and pre-recorded sessions.  Initially, the live sessions will take the form of replacing the daily class discussion.
  • The school will provide additional links to online learning resources for families who require further resources via the school website.  Please see our home learning links page:
  • Teachers will also ensure that every child’s social and emotional well-being is prioritised through dedicated class discussion periods where children can communicate with their teachers and friends. 
  • Virtual school assemblies will ensure that there is a continuity of school life during any lockdown period.

Teachers will therefore:

  • Teachers will endeavour to replicate the classroom experience by creating guided videos and differentiated learning resources. 
  • Teachers will be available throughout school hours (9:00 – 16:00, Monday – Friday) to support children in their learning using resources such as annotations, voice notes and videos.
  • Teachers will provide personalised feedback for all students.
  • Teachers will organise the online folders of learning in a consistent manner.
  • Teachers will check on a weekly basis that all children are engaging with their learning.  Where this is not happening, staff will contact parents and carers to support them with their remote learning.

Other aspects to consider:

Class teachers will ensure that highly individualised learning is uploaded for children with specific learning needs.

Where children do not have access to suitable technology at home, the school will endeavour to provide children and families with appropriate resources to ensure they can access their online learning at home.

Our remote learning offer is summarised in the leaflet below.  If you would like further information about our remote learning offer please refer to our Remote Learning Policy or contact Tim Arding, Assistant Headteacher, using  Thank you.