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Some Highlights from our Week in School

A brief round up of what the children have been doing in school this week ...

Year 6 have delivered their first dress rehearsals to some of the different year groups in the school and they have been phenomenal.

Year 5 have enjoyed making their switches for their DT project.

Year 4 have been enjoying writing playscripts in relation to their text 'Wonder.'

Year 3 have been writing a diary entry based on the 'Iron Man' and his feelings.

Year 2 enjoyed their picnic on the balcony. 

Year 1 have been writing beautiful setting descriptions related to an island after reading the book 'How to find gold.'

Reception have thoroughly enjoyed the text 'The Colour Monster.' The book has supported with discussing emotions in preparation for their transition to year 1.

Nursery have been exploring colour and rhymes with 'Peter the Cat.'